Thursday, December 31, 2015

Emails with my Father, continued.

>------- Original Message -------
>From : Tamsen Armstrong[]
>Sent : 7/22/2012 4:45:34 PM
>To :;
>Cc : 
>Subject : RE: railroad crossing
>Well, this was a two day project that started yesterday out at the Carquinez Straits with my friend Kim Homes.. I sketched the composition first, then started painting. The funny part was when the trains would come by (it seemed like every 15 minutes!) and broke my concentration! But it was lovely to be outdoors in the sunshine. When I took it home, I realized I was much too tentative and stingy with the paint, so I loaded up by brushes and went to work! I like it so much better now. Im sorry I did not take a photo of the first step, but here is my (nearly) first landscape in oils. It just needs a few more highlights and some detailing on the sign. I hope you think it is decent. I think I was trying to emulate your bold color strokes, Dad. Love you both!

From: "Norman K Vance" <>
Date: July 22, 2012 6:11:31 PM PDT
Subject: RE: railroad crossing critique
Reply-To: "" <Norman K Vance>

GOOD ONE!!!  Your composition is good, but I would like to see the tree trunks a bit smaller, and one tree trunk looks like it is resting on the track.
I love your choice of colors, and your application technique/  
Tone down the tree leaves, they overpower the study.  Use mix of chromium oxide and a bit of naples yellow for this.  
All in all, a very good study, worthy of a glance from Edward Hopper!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Emails with my Father

I'd like to post some of the email conversations I had with my father on the subject of books, painting, art and life, since he has given me so much encouragement and inspiration throughout my life. 

We didn't start talking seriously about my own journey as a painter until 2010 when he and my mother came to visit during the Christmas holidays that year and we started painting and drawing together. He died in 2013, just after his 60th wedding anniversary and a few weeks before Christmas. 

From    : Tamsen[]
Sent    : 4/22/2013 7:55:05 PM
To      :
Cc      : 
Subject : RE: Re: holding my breath...

Oh frabjous day! Callooh callay! 
Or is that not Lithuanian enough for you!? Glad to hear your computer is 
back up and running. It's my lifeline to the world and I don't know what 
I'd do without it! 

Hey, Daddo, I'm glad you like my Mount Diablo painting. I feel that for a 
first effort, I did pretty well. Im still making changes to the 
foreground tree line and may do some more with the sky  I'd like to keep 
exploring the subject and try for all kinds of variations. I found that 
the best time to see the mountain is in the late afternoon and early 
evening. The colors are much more saturated at that time. 

I think of you every day and hope you are feeling well. I love you!

From: "Norman K Vance" <>
Date: April 23, 2013 10:59:22 AM PDT
Subject: Claude Monet, the father of impressionism....
Reply-To: "" <Norman K Vance>

,,,,,painted dozens of studies of "haystacks". I can only assume he was 
exploring the shapes and textures, the lighting and colors.  Monet was in 
a learning curve at this time, a place you are in, now, so don't be 
afraid to paint Mt Diablo again!  You will learn much as you do this!
If you remember my series of abstract paintings of "Rock Crushers", I did 
many studies and finally found some design I liked.
Just a few words of advice from

your ever loving
